Divine Readings
Divine reading by Donna is on Pulse 89.9 FM on 7pm till 8pm every Monday night. I have been a psychic medium reader for over 15 years I connect to passed love one in the spirit world and also or beautiful animal Purr babies. I love every minute of what I do in connecting and giving heartfelt messages from the other side, my guides or a team as I call them, who I work with at the same time as I am tuning in to your message that you send into Pulse 89.9 FM picking up on your past present and future and with your past loved ones helping and guiding you with positivity, clarity and love with strong messages of any blockages or uncertainty you may have in your life, giving helping and guidance through any struggles, no question is odd or weird in my world of what I do. I am clairaudience, I hear spirit messages feel sense and connect strongly in past present and future. I am a Reiki healer and send any healing your way, I feel so blessed in what I do, my grandmother had a strong gift that has been handed down through the family, looking forward to your messages and working through guiding and supporting your life changes blessing Donna . x