Pulse 89.9 FM Radio

… Your only Hawkesbury Community Radio Station on 89.9 FM Broadcasting live to the Hawkesbury 24 hours everyday of the week.
Pulse 89.9 FM Radio is comprised of members and business people from community. The mindset of our board and presenters, is to produce a quality, well informed radio station for the Hawkesbury community which means no changing between radio stations. Here at Pulse 89.9 FM we give you the consistency and continuity of being your Hawkesbury radio station playing the music loved by the local community, we provide a broad range of talkback shows with hot topics and interviews, a range of music from Rock, Pop, Smooth, Country and Australia’s Top New Artists. We hold Live Events and let you know what is on in the Hawkesbury Community. We look forward to hosting more culturally diverse programs and presenters from within the Hawkesbury.
Pulse 89.9 FM Radio has relationships with many community organisations and is involved regularly in community events, sporting, outside broadcasts, and promotions. We work with ACMA the Australian Communications Media Authority on constantly improving and ask you as a community to let us know what you would like to be included.
Our staff are volunteers who are passionate about what we do and are committed to serving the Hawkesbury community and making sure we get it right for you. The combined radio experience of our on-air presenters adds up to more than half a century. Our studios are local, our presenters are local, and our focus is local. Our doors are always open to your suggestions, as they are the building blocks of a great Community Radio station for the Hawkesbury